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kazakhstan block19 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2001 (10221470kazakhstan block19 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2001 (10221470 $15.96 (Dot Com High Flyer) shows airplane designed by Burt Rutan (Dot Com High Flyer) shows airplane designed by Burt Rutan 1998 $19.95
1964 Melpar Inc Stock Certificate1964 Melpar Inc Stock Certificate $14.95 2 Diff Hot Collins Radio Stocks! Mfr Ww2 Radios! Deco 60's Gem! Pair(S) @ $3.992 Diff Hot Collins Radio Stocks! Mfr Ww2 Radios! Deco 60's Gem! Pair(S) @ $3.99 $7.98
Vintage 1960s Risque Photo~Fishnet Blondes~Scripophily and/or Numismatic DisplayVintage 1960s Risque Photo~Fishnet Blondes~Scripophily and/or Numismatic Display $10.00 International Telephone & Telegraph Cancelled Capital Stock CertificateInternational Telephone & Telegraph Cancelled Capital Stock Certificate $9.95
Un - Vienna 29-37 Volume 1983 completeett mint/Mnh 1983 CommunicAtions, SecurityUn - Vienna 29-37 Volume 1983 completeett mint/Mnh 1983 CommunicAtions, Security $1.45 Denmark-Faroe Islands 166-167 used 1988 CommunDenmark-Faroe Islands 166-167 used 1988 Commun $2.50
1884 Electric Time and Signal Association Stock Certificate1884 Electric Time and Signal Association Stock Certificate $15.95 Stamps Switzerland 566-579 Volume 1952 completeett used 1952 CommUnications, ButStamps Switzerland 566-579 Volume 1952 completeett used 1952 CommUnications, But $13.45
International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. 1977 Stock Certificate 10 SharesInternational Telephone and Telegraph Corp. 1977 Stock Certificate 10 Shares $4.50 Ddr 2770-2773,2790-2791 used 1983 World communication Year, BerlinDdr 2770-2773,2790-2791 used 1983 World communication Year, Berlin $1.03
American Cable & Radio Corp. Stock 1-99 Shares Green 1957American Cable & Radio Corp. Stock 1-99 Shares Green 1957 $15.00 Ddr 2770-2773 (complete.issue) mint/Mnh 1983 CommunicationsDdr 2770-2773 (complete.issue) mint/Mnh 1983 Communications $1.08
Soviet-Union 3378 mint/Mnh 1967 CommunicationsSoviet-Union 3378 mint/Mnh 1967 Communications $5.07 Old Western Union Telegraph Company Stock Certificate 1955Old Western Union Telegraph Company Stock Certificate 1955 $4.00
Denmark-Faroe Islands 166-167 mint/Mnh 198Denmark-Faroe Islands 166-167 mint/Mnh 198 $1.08 Un - New York 415-416,417-418,419, 420-421 mint/Mnh 1983 communicAtion world, WfUn - New York 415-416,417-418,419, 420-421 mint/Mnh 1983 communicAtion world, Wf $2.49
Allied Riser Communications Corporation (Arc) 781 Shares Certificate Of StockAllied Riser Communications Corporation (Arc) 781 Shares Certificate Of Stock $3.00 Arch Communications Stock Certificate 200 Shares November 12 1997Arch Communications Stock Certificate 200 Shares November 12 1997 $7.45
Hungary Block167A mint/Mnh 1983 World communication YearHungary Block167A mint/Mnh 1983 World communication Year $4.05 Germany (Frg) 1367-1368 (complete.issue) mint/Mnh 1988 TGermany (Frg) 1367-1368 (complete.issue) mint/Mnh 1988 T $1.04
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Prices current as of last update, 02/17/25 3:18pm.

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